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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Few More Reasons

Thirty graphics designers pulled together for the final days of the Presidential campaign creating an internet crusade 30 Reasons to Vote Obama to encourage support for Obama. A new poster will appear daily.
"Tell me it can't be true. Following 8 years of disastrous governance, the Democrats field the best candidate this country has seen in generations, against one of the worst the Republicans have ever mustered, and the media's political pundits would have us seriously contemplate more of the same. Is anyone ever going to learn?"
|| JM, 10:41 AM


What's the difference? Your vote will be rewritten anyway.
Time for a tea party.

Blogger new illuminati, at 8:03 PM  
Thanks for the reassuring thought.
Blogger JM, at 8:17 PM  
These are amazing! I love them and they are all great reasons.
Blogger Liz, at 11:07 AM  
Amazing to walk around..though have same votes.

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Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:02 PM  

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