As the fall-out from the most recent primary cluster continues, the surprising news is that Hillary has apparently found her voice, once again. Too bad that it's a negative one. She successfully portrayed herself as the victim of media frenzy and was able to shift the tone and focus of the campaign for the moment. Although the newly resurgent Hilary that we've seen recently has been a childish, whining, fear-mongering, race-baiting old school politician. Apparently she's hijacked the Obama "change" message, but her version results in "Republican-lite".
We get it; she's a fighter. But so was Dubya, and just look at how well the "shoot first, ask questions later" foreign policy he offered has worked out. Who really thinks we need more of that? At best, her recent strategy and performance looks like the Republican BS that we've had enough of over the last few years. At worst, she seems to be writing the campaign material for McCain (
"And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002"). And did she really need to give a de facto endorsement of his for his experience level at the same time?
Given the demographics, I'd expect Hillary to carry PA, unless something dramatic takes place. But unless major shenanigans occur with super-deligates and in resolving the Fla./Mich. representation issue, I expect Obama to retain the delegate/popular vote advantage. To carry the boxing metaphor further, a referee needs to step in and stop this fight before permanent damage is done. It's over for the GOP and they have begun to prepare for the upcoming confrontation. The longer Democrats slug it out and allow Hilary to bloody up Obama, who still remains the more viable candidate offering an alternative to "business as usual", the worse off they are. All this diverts attention from the real battle and the real issues.