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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, October 01, 2007


I'm breaking the silence from my self-imposed moratorium on blogging for no particular reason. It's certainly NOT because these Bad Motivational Posters were able to light a fire under me, although it did suggest a theme. I'm sure the numerous people who stumble upon this site via a flawed GIS for "Pamela Anderson's nipples" wind up being quite disappointed. So perhaps a pr0n related posting wouldn't be the worst idea? I've been thinking that perhaps I've fallen victim to that Brain-Eating Amoeba I've been hearing about, since no links or topics seem to gain traction and feel blogworthy. It makes me think I've got that or ADD.

But when I read that "Canned food donators rewarded with porn at Playtime in Edison", I pretty much knew that destiny was calling. Although in this case, Destiny could be the name of one of the porn stars; my destiny is to poke fun at the event. According to the article "The promotion works simple enough: If someone over the age of 21 brings in a can of food into the store that is over 13 ounces that is not dented or expired, they get a pornographic DVD. While the donator cannot choose the exact title, they can choose between gay, lesbian or straight blind packaged porn." Since it's only a stones' throw away, the temptation is great to check it out, if only to satisfy my curiosity over what this newfangled "blind porn" is all about. I always thought it MADE you go blind, but I could be wrong. Good thing that I bought that 19oz. can of chili at the grocery store.

But apparently, joke potential aside, there is a serious take on the issue. Porn for the Blind offers up NSFW audio files describing movie clips from adult web sites. And if you are the "giving" kind of person, you can help by viewing porn and recording your description. I think I'll pass on that one. I still prefer the far less serious PORN for the blind, myself.

And I was truly amazed to recently discover that YouTube allows videos that are one step short of porn. I accidently (NO; really!) stumbled upon this clip which was designed to titlate although in light of the barely SFW content, perhaps I shouldn't use that word. I really wasn't familiar with Milena Velba before this, but I think it proves that you CAN have too much of a good thing. You may want to check out some Nice Tits as a palette cleanser, although smut hounds will surely be disappointed. And for the real hardcore stuff, you can't get any more obscene than this XXX action clip!!
|| JM, 12:11 AM


UGH Gross!

Anyway, I have a question- Is it true that men want the women they can't have?
Blogger Liz, at 7:15 PM  
It works that way far too many times, doesn't it? And most guys are dumb asses that can't tell the difference between "playing hard to get" and "you REALLY make my flesh crawl" which insures a world of hurt on both sides.
Blogger JM, at 11:29 PM  
Kind of like to skip that if you don't mind.
Blogger pissed off patricia, at 8:34 AM  
Too early for this. I'll take your word for it.
Blogger Mary, at 8:38 AM  
Understandable, but just as an FYI, don't assume the last two links are what they appear to be.
Blogger JM, at 8:42 AM  

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