It's not so much that blogging bores me recently as I bore myself. During the limited spare time that I fritter away websurfing, I've made numerous notes about thoughts and sites to share over the last few days. Yet, when I review them it's much like looking at the note that you pen to yourself in the middle of the night after having a brilliant epiphany in a dream. When reviewed in the morning it appears to be mental mush.
So what breaks this logjam? Looking for something blogworthy to poke fun at on Craigslist, I discover this lovely
I found my SWBMNS on craigslist.org t-shirt. You can imagine just how silly I must feel to admit that I don't have a freakin' clue what this acronym means. Even this Best of Craigslist
self-help guide to lingo for newbies doesn't shed any light on the situation. I must assume the shirt is a joke.
I was also quite surprised to discover the almost infinite varieties of "hook-up" options available on the personals part of Craigslist. In addition to the expected W4M option, you can peruse through the
m4m, m4w, w4w, t4m, m4t, mw4mw, mw4w, mw4m, w4mw, m4mw, w4ww, m4mm, mm4m, ww4w, ww4m, mm4w, m4ww, w4mm, t4mw, and mw4t options as well. I guess it's good to have choices. I'm tempted to say different strokes for different folks, but that seems inappropriate in this context.
Seems like as good a time as any to share a few of their "best of" postings:
Note to the dogsTake me in the weedsLocker Room EtiquetteTo the girl on the metro with the cleavageSo you wanna sell some shit on CL huh???Package Deal - Free Husband and AudiDear New Neighbor, Knock It Off!Of course, the fake Craigslist personal ad postings found at
Something Awful are only slightly more bizarre than the real deal.