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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Short Attention-Span Theatre

Seven Minute Sopranos is a pretty funny and accurate NSFW recap of everything that has happened on The Sopranos so far. An excellent way to refresh your memory prior to the start of the new and final season. Another tribute: Sopranos, Springfield style, via The Simpsons.

And for those who suffer from A.D.D. you'll be sure to enjoy these re-edited classic movies:

All the Rocky Movies in 5 Seconds
Silence of the Lambs in 5 Seconds
Jurassic Park in 5 Seconds
Ghostbusters in 5 Seconds
And I'm particularly fond of Bugsy in 5 Seconds!
|| JM, 7:21 AM


Awesome!! I'm going to cry when the Sorpano's ends. And to think.... I almost didn't watch it that first year..
Blogger Ziem, at 10:24 PM  

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