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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ya' Gotta Start Somewhere

Impeach Alberto Gonzales features an on-line petition targeting one of the architects of our current political and moral morass. As our top law enforcement official, he has crafted policies allowing us to ignore the Geneva Convention and commit war crimes, embrace torture as acceptable, deny citizens their right to habeas corpus and a fair trial, and has allowed domestic wiretapping without the proper authorization. He seemingly advocates a Presidency without boundaries, using the excuse that a "war President" has a blank check and doesn't have to recognize constitutional limitations.

Sign the petition and add your voice to the chorus of outrage. If we chop away at the roots of the tree, we will make it difficult for the tree to grow. Anybody have a chainsaw so we can go after the trunk and branches?
|| JM, 8:30 AM


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