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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This Stinks!

The news that Dubya Like To Fart shouldn't be that much of a surprise since his over-grown frat-boy routine has been on constant display since day one. But why should he be having all the fun? Now, you too can have your own Pull My Finger Farting George Bush Doll. You'll have the opportunity to stink-up your own home (sound, but no smell) much like the real deal has stunk up the economy, country, etc.
|| JM, 8:35 PM


Is this what he meant when he said that "Hezbollah should stop doin' this shit"?
Blogger Richie McWhite, at 1:11 AM  
Every Democratic congressperson should hold one of these on their lap during the next session. I'd contribute to that.
Blogger Peacechick Mary, at 7:13 AM  
This should get him some respect around the world, don't cha think?

The president of the United States of America enjoys farting out loud and among people. Imagine if I wrote that about the President of France. What would you think? You would think he's a rude idiot and a dolt. You would be correct.
Blogger pissed off patricia, at 10:49 AM  
I love the infinite number of ways you find to tie in Bush's idiocy with all these new playthings they're selling online. HA!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:27 PM  

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