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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

No Clue

I was goofing off (big surprise) the other day and I started to play with Technorati. Seems like a good search tool and all that, but who knew how quickly it would become a source of frustration? How amazed was I to find out that I haven't updated my blog in 495 days! And despite pinging 'till the cows come home that status hasn't changed. After Googling to see if others might have similar problems, I get the sense that I'm not alone. It's probably the fault of my horribly outdated homemade template code, and it looks like that could be the source of my troubles, since it's not XHTML compliant. Do I care enough to switch to a new template? Probably not, but it may be time to spruce things up a bit anyhoo.

Speaking of change, and my sometimes defiant attitude towards it an interesting quote from a seminar I went to the other day: "If you don't like change, you'll like irrelevancy even less." Ouch; I got the message!
|| JM, 8:22 AM


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