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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Trying not to put all their advertising dollars in one basket, CBS recently announced that they will be kicking off an ad campaign where they laser slogans on eggs to be sold in grocery stores. I'm not sure if this relates in any way to the upcoming debut of Katie Cour-egg as the chief hen of the evening news, but this seems like a pretty silly idea. Sure, I'd understand if Faux News were to do a product tie-in with bologna, or if the Sci-Fi Channel were to give away pocket protectors, but I don't eggsactly get this scrambled concept. I'm certainly not eggcited about it.

The ones announced sure sound like winners that will have me running for the remote...NOT: "CSI: Crack the Case on CBS....New Grade-A CBS Comedy....CBS Mondays: Leave the Yolks to us". A few more suggested slogans from a recent FARK comments thread to supplement those already announced:

  • We could make this egg travel through a garden hose, that's how much we suck.
  • We're almost eggstinct!
  • Because advertising on human zygotes is beneath us!
  • Your grandma needs something to watch too
  • We'll egg your house till you start watching.
  • Our shows are like these eggs, we just crap them out.
  • Lower your eggspectations!
  • Ovoid us like salmonella.
  • We don't just suck, we suck eggs!
  • || JM, 7:59 AM


    This isn't for real, is it?

    If it is, it sounds like Brownie has found a new job in the ad business.
    Blogger pissed off patricia, at 12:08 PM  
    Cracked up!
    Blogger Peacechick Mary, at 3:41 PM  
    I swear if I find Katie Couric's visage on an egg in my local grocery store, I'm going to run screaming from the establishment.
    Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:48 PM  
    Keep this up and they're probably gonna wanna hire you. ;)

    And why is it that the station with the highest network ratings needs to resort to a stunt like this? I could see if they were NBC...
    Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:27 PM  
    I also thought this was a stunt leading up to Couric's debut. Sort of like the Leggs pantyhose gimmick of the 70's, since hers will be concealed beneath the anchor desk.

    Of course, they could redesign the set....
    Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:18 PM  

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