Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Who Killed The Electric Car? Who Killed the Electric Car? Part 2 The soon to be released documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" deals with the shameful and untimely death of an environmentally friendly concept. Victim of bad marketing, consumer resistance, and a lack of commitment and support from both the manufacturer and the government (and of course big oil), we never saw the electric car get a real chance to catch on. And since you could never buy them (GM only leased them in California) when they "pulled the plug" on them, they are now gone.
Maybe someday, we will see serious commitment to environmental issues by our government. And while I'm dreaming perhaps responsible corporate stewardship on behalf of the public interest could be added to my wishlist. We're just as likely to see that anytime soon as we are to see a functional version of The Jetson's Car.
|| JM, 1:11 PM
Gah, I swear you and Eric think with the same brain. He was just telling me about this sometime last weekend. How do you KNOW these things??