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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Retro Links

Still craving the taste of Roy Rogers (the fast food, NOT the cowboy!) leads me to peruse a few of my nostalgia bookmarks. A lame-o link-dump was sure to follow:

Swinging Chicks of the 60's
Fast Food Premiums
Retro Toys
Widen Your World: Deceased Disney
Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields
Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike
Roadside Architecture
Bob's Big Boy
Everybody Goes To Gino's
Origin Of Potato Chips
The Dick Van Dyke Show: Gentiles in Paradise
|| JM, 12:52 PM


I love all things retro, especially kitchen things and kids toys. Bob's Big Boy had the best hamburgers and cold slaw in the world.
I wish I hadn't thought about it because now I would pay dearly for that meal. Drool, drool.
Blogger pissed off patricia, at 4:25 PM  

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