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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Look, Up In The Sky!

Probably one of the most enduring and iconic American heros has to be Superman. He's been reimaged numerous times, yet his essence remains the same, reflecting the classic values of truth, justice, etc. Even in this ill-fated kids show, The Adventures of SuperPup, they were on display although they were demonstrated by midgets wearing dog costumes!

A few more little know facts from 40 Things You Didn't Know About Superman (VIA digg):
  • Superman couldn't originally fly.
  • Clint Eastwood was the original choice before they picked Chris Reeve.
  • Back in the day when Kevin Smith was developing a screenplay for a Tim Burton treatment, Jon Peters insisted that one of Superman's nemeses would be a gay robot and a giant mechanical spider. The spider showed up in Wild, Wild West instead. No word on what became of the gay robot.

  • And a few more links to get you up to super speed for tomorrows release of Superman Returns:
    Superman: The Continuity Pages
    Superman Homepage
    The Speeding Bullet: A Complete Archive of Superman Newspaper Strips
    Superman Through The Ages
    Superman in 30 Seconds Re-Enacted By Bunnies
    Superman is a Dick
    || JM, 12:16 AM


    Jack Cassidy as Superman? I'd have an easier time believing Robert Preston. Actually, Robert Goulet would be a hit. Not that I'm endorsing any of these people.
    Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:16 PM  
    That video is hilarious....I would love to see an epsidoe from that series....
    Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:20 PM  

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