Renova Black (
VIA linkfilter)
The next big's new, it's chic, and it's black. Proving that black is the new black I suppose. I'm not sure which is more disturbing from a practical point of view: this black stuff or the red version that the company sells. For now you have to be in Europe to get that. I'll stick to the boring and pedestrian white myself.
Should I be worried that for the 2nd time in about a week, I'm doing a posting on toilet paper? Perhaps. But it just seems to be a continuation of the trend of me doing some really crappy posts.
Not so crappy, but also black would be Lewis Black. If you're a fan and didn't get to catch his recent
HBO Special: Red, white & screwed here's a taste from his recent Conan appearance via
onegoodmove. After the special I'll never look at the Old Testament the same way ever again.
And in a lame attempt to tie this together with the rest of today's posts, perhaps a trip to the
urinals of the Budweiser Budvar Brewery might do the trick. Oh no...another urinal reference.