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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Silent Voices Say A Lot

"Which Mime speaks to you (without actually speaking)?" Oh, I get it...irony, right? I can almost let this pass, since Sparkles is kinda cute, and her career aspiration if she weren't a mime is to be "a high-class stripper". But since it violates my long-standing policy against bag-pipes, clowns, mimes, and viral marketing I can't endorse this link. I'll just pass it along without comment, and be thankful that I missed The Million Mime March.
|| JM, 9:59 AM


Ditto. Mimes, clowns and the new burger king thing scare me. Especially the new berger king thing. If I were a little kid there is no way in hell you could get me into a burger king store because I would be afraid that thing was in there. He's not only creepy looking he's also gross in a sick kind of way.

Sorry I had to go all off topic and all but what's there to say about a mime? Yep, nothing. :)
Blogger pissed off patricia, at 12:30 PM  
Mimes get a bad rap.

Not that I really LIKE them, per se. But they seem to be almost as hated as politicians and lawyers. Wonder how that happened.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:40 AM  
Because they are boring as hell.
Blogger pissed off patricia, at 3:08 PM  

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