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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Delusional Thinking

Un f'ing believable. The neo-con cabal thinks that a few years of palate cleansing will have us ready to accept Bush III???!! Clearly the kind of contemptuous thinking that we've come to expect from this group.

Although many did forget the sins of the father, the sins of the son are far greater and far more sinister. The father was merely a little incompetent, and while the son also brings this to the table, he's able to add in the legacy of his trumped-up war and out of control spending, combined with tax cuts for the rich. These results are likely to linger in the public consciousness for many, many years. I think he's set a new bench mark for "worst President EVER" that won't be easily forgotten, and hopefully will preclude a third act. On the other hand, Dubya DID get re-elected, so maybe I'm giving the American people too much credit.

However, it's good to see that the US hasn't cornered the market on wacky shenanigans by government officials. I see now that the Indian government will be giving yens of thousands of people living below poverty level a free color TV set, to fulfill a campaign promise! At least they are following through on their promises, but God forbid they would try to tackle tough issues like trying to actually improve their standard of living.
|| JM, 2:52 PM


Not at all surprised by this. Every time I hear his voice on the news I figure it's just a matter of time before he announces his candidacy. I'd hoped I was just being a pessimist.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:39 AM  

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