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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, April 14, 2006

P' LeZZee!

I may not be the most adventurous person, but when I saw The Apprentice the other night, I recoiled in horror when they rolled out the P'EatZZa sandwich that the task was built around. If you didn't catch the episode, they had to sell the new 7-Eleven sandwich which uses two slices of pepperoni pizza instead of bread. You can get them in the "Turkey & Pepperoni" or "Ham & Salami" flavors. Not being a big fan of cold pizza, this one starts out with two strikes against it. No matter how much shilling they did on the show, this culinary mess looks like something that was fished out of the dumpster. On the rare occasion when I HAVE actually purchased a sandwich there, I'd have to say that I was both really, really hungry AND desperate, but I don't think I'd ever reach the level of desperation to find myself eating one of these, except possibly at gunpoint.

But apparently, the management at 7-Eleven is pursuing the quest to perfect the worst sandwich idea ever. Just in case the P'EatZZa doesn't take the title (which it should, if only for the annoyingly cutsey name) I saw the most disgusting thing being sold there today. Obsessed with the idea of pizza, their newest offering "Twistas" is a pepperoni pizza stuffed in some sort of a crusty wrap. OK, that doesn't sound half bad, right? Well, here's where it goes horribly wrong. Most promotional photography for food products seems to be an art-form, where they lovingly romance and photograph the product so it's so darned appealing, no amount of free will can prevent you from purchasing it. Well, either those guys weren't available or maybe it's just that this is the most disgusting looking thing, ever. In the signs, the "filling" is oozing out of it, but it looks pretty much like a partially digested and regurgitated pizza. The only thing that might have made it less appealing is if they had somehow worked the word "barf" into the product name. I can't wait to see what these marketing geniuses will think of next!

But if you are looking for a sandwich which is a bit more upscale than 7-Eleven fare, 'The MacDonald Sandwich' may be just what you desire as long as you can handle the $148 dollars price tag. I'm lovin' it! On the other hand, maybe you're in the mood for chicken?
|| JM, 12:15 AM


Okay, that's worse than even "The Luther." And that name isn't working for me either.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:35 PM  
Ok, this "Luther" reference left me scratching my head. The good news is that Google quickly resolved my confusion. The bad news is that it pointed me to The Urban Legends Reference Page which had a picture of a "hamdog" which is truly disgusting!
Blogger JM, at 11:17 PM  
Geeze, the way you described the P'eatzza, makes everyone want one/not.
Blogger Peacechick Mary, at 4:37 PM  

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