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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Holy Crap!

The "Brief Safe" (VIA TechEBlog)
Now you can have a safe haven for cash and valuables as you travel. The "Brief Safe" gives you a place to stash small items right under the noses of thieves in a secret 4" x 10" velcro pocket. Even the most hardened criminal will "skid" to a dead halt once they get a load of these! And for an added measure of protection, you can give them authentic smell by ordering the optional "doo drops".
|| JM, 12:03 AM


Now there's a real million-dollar moneymakin' idea.
Blogger Neil Shakespeare, at 12:09 AM  
Oh my god, where do you find this shit?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  
BWAHAHAHA!!! Oh, this is frickin brilliant!

Anybody wanna place bets on how they painstakingly replicate those skid stains...??
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:03 AM  
Some things you just don't want to know!
Blogger JM, at 7:09 PM  

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