This "useful" news that
with two forks and a charge, a pickle will emit light comes to us via
Hooked on A fun site, certainly better than the time I got Hooked On Phonics. A few more random facts from them to amaze and amuse:
Nearly 22,000 checks will be deducted from the wrong account over the next hour.
The most popular condom sold in Taiwan is only 4.2 inches long!
Parrots have 500 pounds per square inch of pressure in their beaks.
Colgate's first toothpaste came in a jar.
15 percent of Americans secretly bite their toes.
Racehorses can wear out new horse shoes in one race.
It takes 100 pounds of rain water to produce a single pound of food from the earth.
Turkey's often look up at the sky during a rainstorm. Unfortunately some have been known to drown as a result.
Your hair grows faster in the morning than at any other time of day.
A toothbrush within 6 feet of a toilet can get airborne bacteria from flushing.
In 21 U.S. states, WALMART is the single largest employer.
Avocados have more protein than any other fruit.
In Japan, it is completely acceptable to name your child “Buttocks” or “Prostitute”!