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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Tech Tock

It never fails when it comes to matters of technology, they always come out with something cooler right after you buy yours. I've been sitting on the fence for awhile thinking about getting a PSP, but thinking maybe I should just wait for the next generation PS3. Recent events remind me that life is too short for self denial and I should just buy the damn thing, but now I see that the next generation PSP2 is just around the corner that promises some tantalizing new features. And I wish I had a dollar for every iPod rumor that's out there. They never make this easy.

But I'm probably better off getting hooked on this kind of a gaming system than getting hooked on an on-line game like Second Life. This sounds like it could be a dangerously addicting black hole of time wasting. I think I got this out of my system years ago with The Sims. But I find it interesting that there are those who have been able to quit their real jobs and make a living in this alternative world. And there is a dark side to everything.
|| JM, 11:13 AM


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