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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Clowning Around

I've posted in the past about my fear of clowns, mimes, and the fact that I hate bagpipes. Sometimes, you just have to confront your fears head-on so a visit to the Evil Clown Generator (VIA Bifurcated Rivets) could be quite therapeutic. No bagpipe therapy scheduled at this point.
|| JM, 10:33 PM


So what's the deal with bagpipes, now? Do they frighten you or do you just hate the sound they make?
Blogger Nicole, at 12:50 PM  
I just find them annoying, not frightening. They sound like an amplified version of fingers on a chalkboard to me. It may also relate to my perception of them as being a distant cousin of a canister vacuum cleaner, and I have issues with vacuum cleaners (or so my wife says).

But my worst bagpipe memory is from a few years ago when I was running in the Marine Corps Marathon in DC. There is a place on the course where you run past that sculpture that looks like a giant crawling out of a grave, which is just about where you hit the proverbial wall. Someone thought that having a group of people playing bagpipes would be inspirational. For others, perhaps, but for me it just sounded like the screeching of a tortured soul. It remains an ugly memory.
Blogger JM, at 8:27 PM  

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