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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Called Out Again

After seeing some kinda hurtful comments on another site describing this as a "rip-off" blog, I was considering how to react. I had considered more original content, but that would require some effort, so that's out. Sharing tales about my work life would get me fired, and sharing stuff about home life would get me divorced. What to do, what to do? For the short term, just keep plugging away. It is what it is; a time waster, my on-line bookmarks, and the occasional soapbox as the spirit moves me.

And then as if to force me to actually put something original together, I get tagged with this rather interesting meme: "List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre. Doesn't matter whether they have words or even if they’re any good. The only requirement is that they must be songs you’re really enjoying right now. Post these instructions on your blog along with your seven song choices. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to."

Sounds like fun, except for the tagging others and limiting myself to seven songs. Since I'm not big on following instructions I'm not tagging anybody, but feel free to run with this if you are so inclined. And here are my seven "high rotation" current favorites:
1) Queen Bitch (David Bowie...possibly the best part of "The Life Aquatic")
2) Gut Feeling (Devo...see above)
3) P-Funk Is Playing At My House (DJ Riko mash-up of LCD Soundsystem + Gerald A. + Katie Enlow, from Best of Bootie 2005)
4) Hot Rich Girls Dropped In A Grange (Torero mash-up of Gwen Stefani + Snoop Dogg + ZZ Top, from Best of Bootie 2005)
5) Popular (Nada Surf)
6) Helicopter (Bloc Party)
7) Only (Nine Inch Nails)
|| JM, 12:11 AM


Let whoever slammed you to go take a flying leap. I like what you do here.

Although, we do like very, VERY different types of music.
Blogger STP, at 6:36 PM  
I like what you do here as well; who cares what other people think! TK
Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:52 PM  
Thanks for the complement, I wasn't fishing for that, but I'll take it.
Blogger JM, at 11:26 AM  

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