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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Name Games

The other day at work our office manager got on the PA system and announced that we should meet to view a satellite broadcast of company news and general "ra-ra" type stuff. Unfortunately, her accent makes "Focus Broadcast" into "Fuk Us" which paints a mental picture that usually takes me a long time to get out of my mind. I'm always tempted to try to get her to page the customers Hugh Jardon or Mike Hunt, but I've never followed-through. Probably the best stunt of that kind would have to be the infamous London Airport Announcements that may or may not be real, but they're still funny.

And a few more funny links of a semi-related nature:
Funny Name Server
Funny Names
Urban Legands: Funny Names
Funny Names of Real People
Funny Town Names
Funny domain names
|| JM, 10:43 PM


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