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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Movie Time

Glen Or Glenda (VIA Bibi's box)
Sometimes I avoid watching a movie if it's too over-hyped or popular. Sometimes I just never get around to it. Until recently, that was the case with "Ed Wood" which I loved. Being a big fan of Plan 9 From Outer Space (universally considered the worst movie ever made) I had been aware of Glen or Glenda? but hadn't seen it until I discovered this YouTube link!

However, this re-mix of the Sleepless In Seattle movie trailer done up as a horror picture is a classic as well.
|| JM, 9:18 AM


"Plan 9 From Outer Space" is downright OSCAR0-caliber compared to the likes of "Mission Impossible 2." I hold that movie in mind as the worst debacle in cinema history.
Blogger Nicole, at 8:41 PM  
Thanks for the warning. I wasn't that impressed with the first one, and 3 sounds like it might be a train wreck.
Blogger JM, at 10:52 PM  

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