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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

From The Valley Of Half-Baked Ideas

Too bad I didn't have my digital camera with me today at work. While running around putting out fires I came up with an entertaining idea. I was going to shoot a picture of me coming out of the restroom holding the item pictured on the left. (I snapped this shot with my PDA camera which has pretty crappy resolution so I didn't bother to stage the described shot.) The question would then have been "What movie quote does this illustrate?" But since the quotes from that movie aren't listed at that site, and I realized that the line wasn't exactly as I remembered it, the joke wasn't that funny to make it worth the effort, so I'll just add it to the ash heap of lame ideas that usually fall victim to self-censorship. Feel free to play the game and guess the movie quote anyway.
|| JM, 10:45 PM


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