Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Treadmill Woes I'm not the sort of person who puts much stock into the whole New Years' Resolution thing. That being said, I have to fess up to a resolution of sorts. Part of our Christmas present to each other was to replace our broken exercise equipment. (The treadmill and weight machine that I used to have were damaged when we moved as a result of the "bargain movers" that we hired to put our stuff in storage. The extra money we spent for competent movers who actually spoke English to complete the 2nd leg of the move was well worth the expense!) Now that the new equipment is in place, the challenge has been to actually use it. And so far, both of us have been doing pretty good and we've been sticking to our workout plan.
What wasn't in the game plan was that the wife found a way to add one more piece of functionality to the treadmill. After finishing her workout and seeing the dog looking at her longingly from the next room, she put her on the treadmill and turned it on. It really didn't take her (the dog, that is) too long to get the hang of it! This seems so much easier that having to walk her around the neighborhood, where she could meet other dogs who might be a bad influence.
And since I'm dumping silly video links in here at every opportunity, no better time than now to post the now infamous Pokemon Kid.