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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Back To Bed

Some days you look at the morning paper, shake your head, and just want to head back to bed and pull up the covers hoping that it will all go away. Thanks to the news and the weather, today is one of those days. One of the first headlines to grab my attention was Bush seeks State of the Union bounce. "President Bush will attempt to revive his presidency with an 'upbeat' State of the Union address that stresses kitchen-table issues such as energy and health care" really means that Dubya will share his delusional world view in an attempt to hypnotize the rest of us. Luckily, I'll be missing that. I'll hope that the "bounce" he is looking for manifests itself in a backlash in the midterm elections that might lead to his impeachment.

The next thing that catches my eye is Seven dead in California postal shooting. I'm not sure which is worse; the horrible tragedy or the reinforcement of a stereotypical cliche. My attempt to find something more uplifting or inspiring didn't work out any better. How to Get Angelina Jolie's Lips just wasn't what I had in mind, since I guess her lips are spoken for these days.
|| JM, 9:17 AM


I may watch to see if his head accidentally explodes.
Blogger Neil Shakespeare, at 4:11 PM  
Why does "State of the Union Bounce" sound like some dirty South, crunked up dance move??
Blogger Nicole, at 8:39 PM  
Looks like that didn't happen Neil...too darned bad! And yes, "State of the Union Bounce" sounds like a mean dance...yet another dance I wouldn't be able to do.
Blogger JM, at 10:57 PM  
Reminds me of the joke "How do you know if Dubya is telling a lie?" (If his lips are moving.) Too bad the joke is on us.
Blogger JM, at 10:51 AM  

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