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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Holiday Cheer

Image VIA Image Speller

Great; my newspaper delivery person (it just doesn't seem right to refer to a grown person as a "paperboy") inserted the obligatory Christmas card in my morning paper as a reminder to give him a tip. Normally, I would play ball, but since I seldom get my paper on the weekend before 10 or 11am, (if at all) I find it hard to justify the tip. Here's a tip: get me my damn paper on a timely basis! And the lawn guy shows up yesteday and runs the leaf blower over the yard to pick up the six leaves that fell down since the fall cleanup, and leaves me a bill for that dubious service. I guess that's called a "do-it-yourself Christmas bonus". Just call me Scrooge, I guess.
|| JM, 9:29 AM


I got the newspaper card, too. I gave my person a tip for being smart enough to underline "new carrier" seeing as how pissed I was with the last person's crappy delivery.
Blogger STP, at 9:31 AM  

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