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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Wow, I knew that I relied on my daily web surfing fix, but I guess I underestimated the degree the addiction had me in it's grips. After dinner last night, I flipped on the 'ol 'puter to find out that my internet service was down. A less than satisfying call was made to their customer service department ("We are aware of the problem"....Can you tell me when it will be restored?...."no"....Can you estimate?...."no; is there anything else we can do to be of assistance?"....What makes you think there is an ELSE involved, like you've provided some degree of assistance?) after which I began to sort out my options.

Well, any normal person would probably view this as an opportunity to spend more time reading, maybe watch one of those DVD's that I haven't gotten around to looking at, or maybe watch one of those shows I've taped and never watched. Yea, all those thoughts crossed my mind just prior to the panic attack that shortly set in. But suddenly an evil option presented itself, why not tap into one of those other wifi networks that I see under the available internet connections? Luckily, one of the unencrypted networks was there, and I was able to slip right in. Unfortunately, the connection speed was slow as molasses, and I quickly felt guilty and grew tired of sponging, so I bailed-out and went back to the more traditional media that I first considered.

I'll use that as an excuse for today's lame post. I'll have to come up with another excuse for prior/future lameness. But speaking of lameness, a short story about some lame, flawed conclusions. There is a web site I've linked to that I find amusing and I usually catch updates via the RSS feed. I went to view the page in my browser, and the site appeared ever so briefly, then disappeared as if blocked.

Although I'm not normally this narcissistic, I jumped to the conclusion that this guy had chosen to block my IP address from looking at his site. Trying to figure out why he might have done so proved more difficult, so I was left to surmise that I had expressed an opinion that was offensive to him. I assumed that he was one of those "rightwingnuts" that didn't want to hear opinions other than their own. I was going to drop him an email asking him to explain, but I didn't want to start a flamewar, and essentially I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered to do so. Good thing, since on a recent comment to his site I see that someone wrote "did you know you can't view your site in Firefox?" Oops, my bad.
|| JM, 9:45 AM


Oops. Just to let you know, our router died today and no one can get to my site - not that it's a problem.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:38 PM  
Sorry to hear that. Looking forward to your return!
Blogger JM, at 11:13 AM  

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