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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Never a big fan of memes, but the gauntlet was thrown down by Scott and I've been challenged to do the following:
1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.

Not that it will make much sense, but here goes: "Cumulative FPM: 1.23"
(From a post about a link to a site keeping track of The Number of F^@&s In Deadwood)

And I'll tag Mary, True, Jennifer, Indigo, and Alicia.
|| JM, 12:03 AM


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