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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Sqawk Radio

Blanton's and Ashton: No Excuses
An interesting and on-target piece about the annoying local talk radio station and their ranting callers' flawed logic:
The first caller said, in a grumpy, complaining voice, that he didn't vote because the negative television ads "beat [him] into submission" and not one of them ever told him what the candidates' plans were. I turned off the radio. I just can't listen to stupidity for very long That man actually wanted someone to come to his living room and explain their positions to him....That caller wanted all of their policy positions distilled into a 30-second TV spot so he could determine who to vote for during commercial breaks from Matlock...

A few minutes later I turned the radio back on and heard a whiner named Chang say that he didn't vote because the day of the week isn't convenient for him....He did have the time to call the radio station and whine, however...

My conclusion: the turnout was exactly perfect. We didn't need larger turnout. You will not hear me complaining about turnout. People who are too lazy to listen to one debate, read one newspaper the day after a debate, spend one hour on the internet reading up on the candidates' positions, spend a few minutes contacting a campaign by phone or email or in person, or obtain the widely available campaign literature that described the candidates' positions don't deserve to vote. Seriously. They don't deserve it....
|| JM, 9:46 AM


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