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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


God, I'm pathetic. Just dangle the latest piece of technology in front of me and I start to salivate like a dog in heat. After finally talking myself down from the ledge after seriously considering getting a new iPod and selling the old one on eBay, now I keep hearing other new toys calling out my name. Over the last few days, I've been convinced that I "need" (not just want) either a Treo 650, a PSP, or the XBox 360...not that I'd be likely to find one. What is it that is so darned seductive about these gadgets that makes me lose perspective? When did I turn into this crass materialist who craves "stuff"? This too will pass...maybe.

I just miss the satisfaction of a good first person shooter like Half-Life 2 to get out my frustrations. It's been awhile since I've been bitten by the gaming bug (the original Half-Life was new then), so maybe this is a delayed reaction. Maybe just buying a new desktop system with gaming capacity would be a good way to go, but I always go crazy adding more bells and buzzers. More memory, bigger hard-drive, better graphics card, make sure it has the media-center PVR stuff thrown in, and that quickly becomes a bigger chunk of change than I had planned. I'll probably just wait till after the first of the year to torture myself and sort out my options. Instead of Half-Life, I'll just punch walls.
|| JM, 8:48 AM


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