Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!
By Accident, a new concept that gives you the chance to receive the attention you deserve. We deliver customized accidents such as rape, assault and past traumatic experiences. All personally tailored to suit your special needs.
When you start changing your past and creating a more unique and interesting life story you should assume the accident has already happened. The services we provide are to help you achieve the realistic behavior and the physical signs that fit the accident of your dreams. Usually we also make sure you return to your surroundings in a spectacular and dramatic way....
Imagine the way people would listen to you if you had been the victim of an assault. Imagine how they would admire you if you had survived it and came out even stronger. Ask yourself who the real heroes in our society are. One thing is to be strong and beautiful but to be the survivor of a traumatic incident and have a life is a real accomplishment.