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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, October 17, 2005


You can now make your own police artist style sketch via the Ultimate Flash Face. I tried to do myself (now doesn't THAT sound ugly?) and this was the best I could do...not even close! But it reminds me of a story.

There was a time when I lived in a small town that had an evening paper which proudly kept publishing a very dated eight column format with no pictures until the late 80's. National news was on the front, local news on the back. Since not too much ever went on there, all kinds of stuff would wind up on the local pages. There was a bank robbery one day and the police artist's sketch of the suspect wound up on the back page of the paper.

As luck would have it, the sketch looked like I had posed for it. I hadn't picked up the paper that day, and I started to get phone calls from friends asking me "Is everything OK with you?" I said sure, but they didn't explain their sudden concern. Finally someone told me about the sketch in the paper. As funny as this was there is still a part of me that is bothered that these friends and colleagues had a part of them that wondered if I did it. Robbing banks is still too nickel and dime to tempt me; I'll hold out for large scale corporate greed before I swing to the dark side.
|| JM, 9:39 PM


oh that is TOO cool ... i'll be playing with this for a while now. thanks!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:04 PM  

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