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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Trick Or Treat

$9 gets you a mask of the most disturbing corporate mascot ever to come into your living room, The BK King. The Halloween mask version is disturbing in a completely different way than the one in the commercial, but it still creeps me out. Or you can also get a much nicer one of The Subservient Chicken. Both, will probably inspire nightmares.

While you still have the time to plan, a few more bad Halloween costumes to check out. And for the affluent (or eccentric) you can get a Halloween costume for your iPod.

The all time winner in the tastelessness department is probably this one. Kinda takes me back to when I was in college and made a costume out of clear trash can liners and a piece of construction paper on my chest with the word "Trojans" on it. I was particularly proud of the "money shot" special effects using shaving cream. I still can't understand why I was ask to leave that party.

Speaking of college memories, it seems like a good time to get acquainted with the college ghosts of New Jersey.
|| JM, 8:19 AM


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