I continue to be amazed by the subject matter of some of the web-searches that result in a pageload to this blog. It seems like everyday, Google image search somehow lists this site when you look for a certain picture of Ron Jeremy. I was particularly disturbed when I saw that one of those searches originated in The islamic Republic of Iran; that's bound to reinforce a bad image of the US. This shot of Ron comes from his recent PETA ad where he promotes
spaying and neutering. What, like Bob Barker wasn't driving home the point? Maybe I shouldn't use that phrase in this context. This image is likely to help control human reproduction as well, since I can't even imagine how I could get aroused after looking at this shot.
And from the "Arguments That You Can't Win" department comes a conversation I recently had with the wife. She was telling me that one of her co-workers was having her hair done, so that she could look like Jenna Jameson. She tells me how she's having it cut and highlighted, and I had to bring up that Jenna doesn't have her hair that way anymore. The wife insisted that she did and in a moment of maturity I realized that it's better to lose the battle and win the war. This wasn't the time or place to impress the wife with my vast knowledge of pr0n.