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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Find Yourself

National Motor Vehicle License Bureau
You probably aren't aware that under the Motor Vehicle Operator License Identification Act (MOLIA - enacted on July 9, 2005), all US states are required to digitally store a copy of every valid driver's license. This website features a searchable database of over 121 million drivers licenses, including pictures and personal data.

Try it yourself and see if your license is included. If you're at all like me, I'm sure you will be in for a surprise.

And in a similar vein, an interesting license plate order from the California DMV (VIA Bifurcated Rivets)
|| JM, 12:09 AM


Uggggggh. Ya got me on that one!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:39 PM  
I saw it coming and still went through the whole thing. Oy.
Blogger True Jersey Girl, at 11:06 PM  

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