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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

W, Me Worry?

Bush approval at lowest level of his presidency
It's not a surprise that Bush's approval rate has plummeted. What IS a surprise is that there are enough wingnuts to give him a 40% approval rating. It's hard to imagine what it would take to shake their confidence. My guess is that gay marriages, or an Al-Qaeda attack on US soil might get their attention. But even then, I think that there is a hardcore base that just can't be shaken. And since we don't live in a country with a parliamentary system (which seems like a good way to go these days) these poll numbers don't mean that much. Smirky will probably be able to bounce back some, even if he's transformed into an ineffectual lame duck. My only hope is that the Democrats don't drop the ball on this, and are able to reap some benefits at the midterm elections. I'm not asking for miracles, just a few seats here and there would be nice, but I'll hold on to the unrealistic hope of changing the balance of power in congress.
|| JM, 12:00 AM


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