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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, September 23, 2005

TV Time

Once again, I've caved in to my weakness for TV. After the last season of The Apprentice I pretty much felt it had jumped the shark and I had promised not to watch another season. Apparently, I'm all talk since I tuned-in and watched last night's premier and I'm probably hooked for another season. At least I avoided the Martha S. version.

Last night's show was OK, nothing earth shatteringly new. Some of the same 'ol stereotypes appeared again (crazy obnoxious chick) and a few were missing (no bowtie guy, no Asian women). I'm not too surprised to see the Donald fired the one he did, she might have had the chance to survive but her own performance in the boardroom gave him no other choice.

Again, product tie-ins galore promise to be a weekly event. I see that the rollout of the DVD for Revenge of the Sith will be featured in an upcoming show. Until then we can get a taste of when worlds collide via the short film The Sith Apprentice (well...not short enough...but still cute).
|| JM, 9:20 AM


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