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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Supreme Limericks

Madcane: Judge John Roberts Limericks (VIA onegoodmove)
After watching much of the morning yesterday watching the confirmation hearings of John Roberts, I was ready to bang my head into a wall. Madeleine Begun Kane had a better idea:

Though Judge Roberts is getting a hearing,
To measure his outlook and bearing,
He's determined to hide
Views that Dems can't abide.
His convictions he simply ain't sharing.

Judge John Roberts is smooth and quite smart.
Unlike Bork, he's not testy or tart.
But we still do not know
What he'll do about Roe.
He's declined to his viewpoint impart.

And The Limerick Savant has something to say on the subject as well:
'Til Roberts becomes the Chief Ump,
His answers are likely to stump.
'Nless we bite, you can bet
We won't know what we get.
He's choc'lates and we're Forrest Gump.
|| JM, 9:00 AM


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