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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Doing' A Heck Of A Job!

Q & A With Brownie
Matthew, from Jacksonville, FL writes:
What do you say to those who suggest that race and social class were a factor in FEMA's slow response to bring aid to the refugees of Hurricane Katrina?

Michael D. Brown:
Matthew, I want to assure you that race and social class have had absolutely NOTHING to do with how long it has taken to deliver supplies. What people need to understand is that mounting a response to an event such as this takes time. Specifically, it takes time to identify the Republican areas that need aid, and even longer to determine which Democratic areas are too far gone to bother saving. Once that part is over with, aid gets delivered lickety-split!

But at least he "always had on a suit and a starched white shirt."

Then again, maybe he isn't doing that great of a job!
|| JM, 11:07 AM


Just wish Bush would get caught on Brownie's button and get dragged out with him.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:07 PM  

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