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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Curb Your TV Habit

Great start to a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm last night. It's like having an old friend back again. An annoying friend, but one who has their heart in the right place, and is always fun to have around. A guy who I went to college with comes to mind. Annoying, but without the funny payoff.

It looks like the show hit the ground running after the slightly disappointing season 4 "Producers" arc. Probably the only show on TV that could mine comic moments from someone having a stroke. Loved seeing Larry's trials and tribulations with scalped tickets to temple, sandwich woes, sex & phone calls and of course Mrs Seiderman. As always, things build to a hilarious conclusion.

The tagline on the HBO site probably sums it up pretty well: "Deep inside you know you're him". Yea, except that I usually keep it to myself. Larry always gets to say the things that most of us think, but decorum and experience prevent us from sharing. Although the other day in a meeting my verbal restraints were apparently turned off, and in response to a pretty stupid statement by a colleague I blurted out a remark that would have been worthy of Larry. Rude, but got a big laugh.

And a nice piece of scheduling that has "Extras" following Curb for a comedy power hour. Ricky Gervais portrays a wonderfully lovable loser that makes this another must see show. Just what I need...yet another show to add to my TV viewing list. My goal is to watch less TV, not more. Kate Winslet as a phone sex coach in last nights' episode had me in stitches...a side of her I hadn't considered (comedy that is...not phone sex).
|| JM, 12:10 AM


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