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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, August 26, 2005

More Pastafarian Stuff

FSM: Give us this day / our daily noodle
Today's Boing Boing post about the Flying Spaghetti Monster movement includes a ton of good links, as well as these suggestions for a Pastafarian holiday:
"Pastaover. It's obviously the night that the Flying Spaghetti Monster flew over the city, looking for the houses that had marinara sauce splashed upon the doorposts. Perhaps, during dinner, the youngest child asks the four questions: Why on this night do we leave a chair open for the Ghost of Blackbeard? Why on this night do we wear overturned bowls of spaghetti on our heads, like that cute picture of that baby I saw once? And so on. I'm not a theologian. Other possible holidays: Ramendan, Yummy Kippur, Nosh Hashanah, Good Farfallday, Cinco de Macaroni, and Pastille Day."
|| JM, 12:00 AM


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