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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Make It So

101 reasons why Captain Picard is better than Captain Kirk (VIA Found on the Web)
  • Two Words: better voice.
  • Picard hates children -- Kirk once rescued a bunch of patricidal little maniacs, tried to console them, and almost lost his ship and crew in the process.
  • Though admittedly he's seldom a patron, Picard's ship actually has a BAR.
  • Two words: better actor.
  • Picard has never been made into a bad Filmation cartoon.
  • If poor judgement were bricks, Kirk would be a housing project.

  • And for more Star Trek fun, be sure to check out McSweeney's Klingon Fairy Tales.
    || JM, 8:55 PM


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