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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, July 15, 2005

We'll go no more a Rove-in'

VIA The Limerick Savant:

"Well, by Jove, it seems Rove's up a creek
With the White House refusing to speak.
We think it a pity
They haven't hired Liddy
And his bumblers "Plumbers" to handle the leak."

Rove Isn't the Real Outrage
By Richard Cohen, The Washington Post

Newsweek's Howard Fineman explains the newly found backbone of the MSM. Apparently it's a case of "fool me once..."

And from World O'Crap comes the Ultimate Wingnut Challenge: The Media Wingnuts Face Off featuring the neo-con pundits' view of Rovegate.

One last link, where Paul Krugman takes us on a tour of Karl Rove's America:"What Mr. Rove understood, long before the rest of us, is that we're not living in the America of the past, where even partisans sometimes changed their views when faced with the facts. Instead, we're living in a country in which there is no longer such a thing as nonpolitical truth. In particular, there are now few, if any, limits to what conservative politicians can get away with: the faithful will follow the twists and turns of the party line with a loyalty that would have pleased the Comintern."
|| JM, 12:07 AM


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