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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Running Reflections

  • I always hate to see this sign, it makes me so sad.
  • Speaking of signs, in a moment of weakness we said "yes" when ask if we would host a sign for the incumbent mayoral candidate for the pending primary race. Now, my front yard has a sign right on the corner stating my voting preference. My "passive" form of political activism, I guess. Thank goodness the election is over June 7th. I knew the campaign worker liked me for my corner lot, and it's not a case of liking me for me, but I felt betrayed as I was running down a street that gets much more traffic, and seeing a larger version of the sign on someone else's yard. Must curb these competitive urges!
  • Yesterday I noticed a new sign commemorating Edison's Electric Railroad which I hadn't seen before. What I DIDN'T notice was the curb in front of the sign, and as a result I came crashing down on my hands and knees. Ouch! That will teach me to be a history buff. My damn knee still hurts... I really didn't need this drama!
  • I keep seeing commercials with that damn plastic Quaker selling oatmeal and stuff. What, having one creepy plastic mascot (BK) isn't enough?
  • || JM, 7:12 AM


    Well, what child WOULDN'T be kinda slow with his head cut off from his body and his legs chopped at the knees? I mean, geez, he's crippled at both ends, what do you expect?
    Blogger Jeff Faria, at 12:35 AM  

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