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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Digerati Vogues
An exhibition at The New Museum of Contemporary Art is a mixed media tribute to all those things that spread like wildfire on the web that trend to be passed around on e-mails or blogged to death. The message is that if you haven't heard of this stuff you're "not cool". And now that you've discovered this via the MSM, it is really that much less cool.

The artifacts in question are Black People Love Us!, "Nike Sweatshop" (an e-mail exchange), "All your base are belong to us," (a badly translated phrase from a Japanese video game), Hot or Not, Fundrace, Dancing Baby (a piece of animation) and the Rejection Line (a phone number: (212) 479-7990).

Feeling very uncool at this point, since I'm only familiar with three of the items on the list. I'll get over it though.
|| JM, 9:14 AM


It seems I am sub cool as I only vaguely recognised 2. Ah, well - gives me something to aspire to.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 AM  
I appear to be on Mary's level. I only knew two. I feel so pathetically, uncool that I am just going to have to go sit in a corner and sob now.
Blogger STP, at 1:44 PM  

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