How Fans Can Cope with the End of First-Run “Star Trek” EpisodesI finally remembered to watch the Star Trek episode that I had taped, and had enjoyed it until I read this list, and then felt like a geek.
Enter into suicide pact with coworkers from Radio Shack.
Take this as a sign to finally grow up and become pathologically obsessed with a professional sports team instead.
Weep for future generations that may never know the singular joy that is “Star Trek” hardcore porn online fan fiction.
Stare in unblinking disbelief at what The New York Times chose to run as a banner headline on their front page instead of “The End of ‘Star Trek.’”
Face the painful truth that your fixation on “Star Trek” was just an excuse to avoid real world responsibilities, personal accountability and the oft-harsh rigors of maturity, all of which can be easily eschewed by simply camping out now for the opening day of “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.”