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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Running Thoughts (from yesterdays' run)

  • I should take a voice recorder with me, the free association, rambling thoughts might make an interesting (for me) blog entry.
  • Not to jinx anything (knock on wood), but it's been two weeks of regular workouts with no knee pain. That's no big deal under normal circumstances, but after my late summer problems/backslide, it's a nice thing. Been doing longer runs with good results. Hope this means that I can get back to a normal routine. I'll just avoid the hills.
  • Wish I could take a camera with me; would love to do a photo blog on all the "Good" additions/renovation vs the "bad" ones that I see on my run. But I might look like a stalker or a burglar running up to peoples houses and snapping a pic only to run off again.
  • Why do I take my cell phone with me? Like I'm going to get hit by a car and I'll be the one to call the ambulance?
  • Wish I could tell the octogenarian crossing guard (who looks like she just finished a 3 day bender) that I don't require assistance crossing Grove Ave, since I'm not 13 years old (eventhough there are days that I wish I was). Instead, I just smile and say "thanks". Wuss.
  • Discovered that I find women driving Volvos attractive. Despite my "discreet" glances behind mirrored glasses, they are always the ones turning their heads and checking me out as they drive by. This could develop into a weird fetish, if not at least an interesting fantasy.
  • Too bad the wife changed her mind about getting a Volvo C40.
  • Just noticed that the vest-pocket park that I've had to use on a few occasions to "relieve myself" in has a sign on the path where I've gone for my "emergency relief" sessions that says "Danger: Poison Ivy". Great. Just as well, since on the occasions that I've done this, this "secluded" location butts up against the tracks of the Amtrack northeast correrdor, and I've been there "exposed" only to hear a "woosh" and look up to see the Metroliner go by.
  • I need to sign up for some "runs" or races. Working towards a goal is always a better motivator; besides I need the t-shirts.
  • Some poor dude stopped and ask me for directions. I'm great with directions if I'm driving; just don't ask me to tell you how to get there. I hope I didn't get him TOO lost.
  • Gotta love this Spring weather. My mood gets better as the weather gets nicer!
  • || JM, 10:46 AM


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