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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Classic Stuff

Classic Ads
As this site describes them "the timeless ads that haunted our youth!" I read many, many comic books that had these cheesy ads for such crap as ant farms and Charles Atlas courses, but the two that I lusted for were the sea monkeys and the x-ray glasses. I was really bummed to find out that the x-ray glasses didn't work (not that I ever got them). I've come close to getting the sea-monkeys on a few occasions, but I realize that living out my childhood fantasies as an adult ain't all it's cracked up to be.

And before Atari and Nintendo redefined gaming, one of the coolest games I used to have was my Mattel Football Game. I know that in today's PS2 world, it looks kind of lame, but at the time it was cutting edge. They were actually hard to get for awhile, and I sold mine to an adult, who "said" it was for his kid. Wish that I had kept it, although I'm sure the wife would just view it as "junk".
|| JM, 7:36 AM


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