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John's Blog

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....Teach him to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!

Friday, March 04, 2005

I'm Not Buying This

World O' Crap: The President and His Traveling Revival Show
"The Social Security fight has all the trappings of a Rove campaign: the targeting of key constituencies; the marshalling of the Republican Party apparatus; the enlistment of allies among Democrats; and the encouragement of well-heeled outside supporters, often to mount attacks on the opposition."
(And as one of the posters commented:)
He is like the Monorail salesman from the Simpsons....
Why do this while the deficit mounts?
You'll all own personal accounts!
Didn't you use to call them 'private'?
The system hurts, so we'll revive it!
What if our investments crash?
Think of all the extra cash!
Isn't the system still quite solvent?
Relax and let your Preznit resolve it!
I say it's America's only choice,
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!

You're doing this without a reason!
Arrest that man, he's speaking treason!

|| JM, 8:12 AM


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